This thematic issue is available for reading here:
This dossier brings together works on Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking literature called marginal in a plural way: from that which was in line with the counter-culture of 1970 to today’s peripheral voices. The power of literature made in the margins, in resistance and in reexistence was the motto for several works, in its varied languages, themes, means and contexts. The term marginal literature was born around 1970, also known as independent poetry or mimeograph generation, because of the different means of production and dissemination of its messages that went against the mainstream dictates. Such productions were also called “counter-cultural” and “independent” and were characterized by the non-commercial aspect of their production, reaching a small portion of Brazilian youth who identified themselves with their proposals. Their producers, young people from the middle class, produced poetry in which resistance was a theme and a process inherent to writing, modulated by alternative means of communication (usually handmade printed matter). This literature offered new meanings to politics and aesthetics – gaining other connotations in the late 1980s, becoming a manifesto of voices on the margins, socially excluded, correlated with the so-called peripheral literature.[U1]
Travessias. v. 14, n. 2. maio/ago. 2020
Title: On the Border: Resistances and reexistences in Brazilian literature
Authors: Paula GUERRA, Maria Carolina GODOY & Patrícia MARCONDES DE BARROS
Year: 2020
2020 – GUERRA, Paula; GODOY, Maria Carolina de & MARCONDES DE BARROS, Patrícia (Orgs.) (2020) Dossier On the Border: Resistances and reexistences in Brazilian literature. Thematic Dossier. Travessias. v. 14, n. 2. maio/ago. 2020. e-ISSN: 1982-5935. URL:
Credits: © Marc Riboud / Magnum Photo