2011 – Concluded the Doctoral degree (PhD) in Sociology by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto [Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto] with an overall classification of Distinction in the dissertation guided by Professor Augusto Santos Silva, entitled The unstable lightness of rock. Genesis, dinamic and the consolidation of alternative rock in Portugal (1980-2012). Members of the jury: Professor Fátima Marinho (President), Professor José Machado Pais (examiner), Professor Carlos Fortuna (examiner), Professora Paula Abreu (examiner) and Professor Augusto Santos Silva (tutor and examiner).
2002 – Realization of the teaching ability and scientific capacity examination (corresponding and equivalent to a Master’s degree) in the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto [Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto] obtaining by unanimity the classification of Very Good with distinction. The referred examination was realized under the guidance of Professor António Teixeira Fernandes with the entitled dissertation The city in the urban crossroad – Some modalities of relation and a case-study of the social and spacial recomposing process of the Porto urban fabric in the 90s. Complementing, it was also presented a report of a practical class entitled: Sceneries of Insecurity: contributions of symbolic interactionism for the sociological analysis of the mediatic construction of deviance. Members of the jury: Professor António Pedrosa (President), Professor Luís Baptista (examiner) and Professor Doutor António Teixeira Fernandes (tutor e examiner).
1991- Concluded the bachelor degree in Sociology in the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto [Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto], in the academic year of 1989/90, with the final average of 17 (in a scale of 0/20) and a final dissertation entitled Urban duo-logics: the Foz Velha as a space os analysis, that was guided by Professor António Teixeira Fernandes.