Month: November 2020

Virtual Dance Floors: Shall We Dance or Fly?

This article is available for reading here:    Digital platforms as technological infrastructures that support human flows and social dynamics of all kinds are today even more…

CHAPTER | Iberian Punk, Cultural Metamorphoses, and Artistic Differences in the Post-Salazar and Post-Franco Eras

The book is available here: This chapter presents, analyzes and understands the importance of punk in southern Europe, specifically in the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), in…

CALL FOR PAPERS|| ‘The Vertigo of the Arts in the Global South’

Organization of this edition Paula Guerra (University of Porto), Fábio Leonardo Castelo Branco Brito (Federal University of Piauí – UFPI) Daniel Lopes Saraiva (State University of Santa Catarina – UDESC)   Submission…