Paula Guerra is PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP). She is an Associate Professor on the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the same University (IS-UP), where currently she coordinates the subgroup Artistic Creation, cultural practices and policies. She is also part of other national and international research Institutes: Associate Researcher at the Centre of Studies on Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT); Adjunct Associate Professor of the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research (GSCR); Invited International Researcher of the Post-Graduate Programme in Sociology by the Fluminense Federal University (PPGS-UFF), in the research group History, Culture and Subjectivity of the Piauí Federal University and University of Brasília (Brazil); Invited Researcher in the Post-graduate Programme in Communication of the Pernambuco Federal University (PPGCOM-UFPE) and in the Music and Audiovisual Analysis Laboratory of the Pernambuco Federal University (L.A.M.A). She is founder and coordinator of the network Todas as Artes: Rede Luso-Afro-Brasileira de Sociologia da Cultura e das Artes [All the Arts: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Network of the Sociology of Culture and the Arts]. She is also member of the Interdisciplinary Network for the Study of Subcultures, Popular Music and Social Change and of the Research Network Sociology of the Arts of the European Sociological Association. She has been visiting Professor/Researcher at several international universities: Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech – UCA (Morocco), Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez – USMBA (Morocco), Hué University – HUEUNI (Vietnam), Universidade Nacional de Timor Lorosae – UNTL (Timor), Griffith University (Australia), Università di Padova (Italy), Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu – UAM (Poland), Katholieke Universiteit – KU Leuven (Belgium), Concordia University of Edmonton – CUE (Canada) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB Barcelona (Spain). She coordinates several national and international research projects subordinated to the youth cultures, sociology of the arts and culture. She has likewise advised and supervised several Masters, PhD and Post-doc projects in the aforementioned areas. She is a member of the editorial council of several national and international journals, as well as editor and reviewer of several articles and books on a national and international level. She is coordinator and founder of the KISMIF Conference and coordinator of the Secção Temática Arte, Cultura e Comunicação da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia [Thematic Section on Arts, Culture and Communication of the Portuguese Sociology Association]. She co-authored (alongside Andy Bennett) the edited book DIY cultures and underground music scenes (Oxford: Routledge, 2019), and has recently published the following books: God Save the Queens. Pioneras del Punk (Barcelona: 66 RPM Edicions, 2019), Subcultura. O significado do estilo (Lisboa: Maldoror, 2018), The Punk Reader. Research transmissions from the local and the global (Porto: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras, 2017), Redefining art worlds in the late modernity (University of Porto, 2016), More than loud (Porto: Afrontamento, 2015), On the road to the American underground (University of Porto, 2015), As Palavras do Punk [The words of punk] (Lisbon: Alêtheia, 2015), A instável leveza do rock [The unstable lightness of rock] (Porto: Afrontamento, 2013). She is also author of numerous articles published in national and international journals of reference: Journal of Sociology; Popular Music and Society; European Journal of Cultural Studies; Critical Arts; Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences; Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas; Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais.
Specialty areas:
• Art worls
• Artistic creation and reception
• Classical and contemporary social theory
• Conter-cultures
• Cultural policies
• Deviance
• Do it yourself (DIY)
• Microsociology
• Popular music
• Qualitative research methodology and techniques
• Social Inclusion
• Social movements and change
• Social problems and social change
• Subcultures
• Teacher Training
• Underground scenes
• Urban cultures
• Youth cultures