We are delighted to announce the publication of the fourth volume of KEEP IT SIMPLE MAKE IT FAST! AN APPROACH TO UNDERGROUND MUSIC SCENES. The Book of Proceedings of the KISMIF Conference 2018 is guided by the theme Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures.
Expressions of gender in local, translocal and virtual spaces constitute important variables to understand contemporary cultures, their sounds, their practices (artistic, cultural, economic and social), their actors and their contexts. From a postcolonial and glocalized perspective, it is important to consider the changes in artistic and musical practices with an underground nature to draw symbolic boundaries between their operating modalities and those of advanced capitalism.


The book is available for reading and download here.


Title: Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music scenes (vol. 4)

Editors: Paula Guerra and Thiago Pereira Alberto

Year: July 2019

Publisher: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras [University of Porto. Faculty of Arts and Humanities], Porto, Portugal

Design: Wasted Rita and Marcelo Baptista

Credits illustrations of book’s parts: Esgar Acelerado

ISBN 978-989-54179-1-9