December 12th, 2022
FLUP + Online
Music reflects time, but also the spaces and individuals that are inscribed in it. From the pandemic caused by COVID-19 to the wars and tensions that emerge in contemporaneity, youth cultures have been increasingly praised as being associated with specific modes of action because, allied, above all, with music, youth cultures have revealed specific forms of activism and resistance to the problems and constraints that affect them.
Thus, the motto of this International Congress to launch the branch of IASPM-Portugal, KILL’EM WITH MUSIC, aims to emphasize these issues, more specifically the modes and typologies of juvenile resistance in contemporary societies, which is related to a broader objective of unveiling new social and juvenile representations about social movements, but also about cultural changes, more or less latent. In this way, we intend to look at music as an expression of power, and also as a practice of contestation of diverse social problems. Alongside this, it is our intention to unveil some perspectives on music as a means to unravel social reality. Indeed, with the motto KILL’EM WITH MUSIC, we intend to encourage researchers, artists and the academic community to reflect theoretically and empirically on the dichotomies of resistance versus power, global versus local, action versus inertia, radicalism versus conformism.
If once we could refer that the 1970s were emblematic in the development of academic studies on the concept of resistance, currently we can enunciate that the importance of aesthetics as resistance emerges, in the sense that social phenomena and events have been a touchstone in this sense, giving rise to new forms of expression and affirmation of individual and collective identities that often have music or music creation/production/consumption as their main driving force. Then, the concept of resistance was joined by others, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, Global South, sexual identities, biopolitics, among many others. Moreover, since 2010, the very connection between a(r)tivism and music has been widely studied, from intervention music, to LGBTQI+ communities, passing through migrations and the very act of creating artistic content that, in turn, is articulated with an inscription of a political-social message in a determined time-space.
In fact, this first edition of the International Conference of the IASPM-Portugal, under the motto KILL’EM WITH MUSIC, will accept proposals within the following themes, but other proposals will also be accepted, referring to other themes that may be considered as relevant.
- Music, resistance and new youth social movements;
- From creation to consumption, from digital to analogue: the new forms of music production caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Music and political-social contexts of resistance, struggle and tensions;
- Music production as a weapon and as a means of personal and collective struggle;
- Music, resistance and contradictions: the Global North versus the Global South;
- Art(s) and new social changes;
- Contemporary actors, technologies and production system;
- From a(r)tivism to utopia: new musical ecosystems in times of global social and political crisis.
Submission of paper proposals:
The submissions and respective communications can be made in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Abstracts must be accompanied by an English version of the abstract. The abstracts must clearly explain the context of the research or theoretical reflection to be presented at the conference. They should indicate the objectives, conceptual assumptions and methodology, as well as the expected or achieved results. Abstracts should contain a maximum of 500 words. They should also be accompanied by a short biography of the author(s) (max. 150 words), which should include their affiliation and contact information. The limit is one submission per author (as first author).
Submission of proposals and registrations: associacaoiaspmportugal@gmail.com
Important dates:
Submission: 30 November 2022
Registrations: until 11 December 2022
Final Programme: 10 December 2022
Congress: 12 December 2022
Members of IASPM-Portugal: free
Non-members of IASPM-Portugal: 20 euros
Paula Guerra – Institute of Sociology – University of Porto, Portugal
International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)
Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP)
Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP)
International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)
Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP)
Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória» (CITCEM)