Dear Sir/Madam

On January 15th, we will hold a Multiplier Event regarding the pilot training developed under the scope of SWaPOL “Social Work and Policing. Training in Public Order Management”. The main objective of this training was to develop, test and evaluate a training for social workers and police in three modules: (i) public order management – cooperation between social work and police; (ii) use of psychoactive substances among young people: prevention and reduction of harm at night; and homelessness.

Thus, and in a virtual way (see link below), we will hold an event that disseminates and multiplies the training dynamics and contents implemented in pilot training in Portugal, Belgium and Austria. We strongly encourage your participation, as we consider this to be a key event for all academics and professionals working in these areas, as you can see in the attached Programme.

LINK Zoom:

Meeting ID: 891 8150 4189

Password: 766751

This event is within SWaPOL funded by ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Training. It is an education and training project focused on public order management policies in urban areas. Its leader is the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Austria) and its partners are: the University of Porto and the Municipal Police of Lisbon (in Portugal); the University College Gent (in Belgium) FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH (in Austria). More information:

You are all very welcome.

Entrance is free and a certificate of participation will be provided.

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