‘Not Just Holidays in the Sun’

7 July 2020

Porto, Portugal


Application Submissions

From 1 October 2019 to 15 February 2020



Warm Up: 6 July 2020

KISMIF Summer School: 7 July 2020

KISMIF Conference: 8 – 11 July 2020


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Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto

Casa da Música

Casa Comum Universidade do Porto

TM Rivoli

Palacete Viscondes Balsemão

Barracuda Clube de Roque

Plano B



Keynote speakers confirmed: Ana Rocha and Michael MacDonald 


KISMIF Convenors: Andy Bennett and Paula Guerra


KISMIF Scientific Committee: Alastair Gordon, Amélia Polónia, Andy Bennett, Anthony Fung, Augusto Santos Silva, Carles Feixa, Catherine Strong, Dick Hebdige, Fátima Vieira, George McKay, Gina Arnold, Guilherme Blanc, Heitor Alvelos, Ian Woodward, João Queirós, José Machado Pais, Júlio Dolbeth, Manuel Loff, Mark Percival, Matthew Worley, Mike Dines, Nick Crossley, Nuno de Campos, Paul Hodkinson, Paula Abreu, Paula Guerra, Paula Cristina Pereira, Pauwke Berkers, Pedro Costa, Ross Haenfler, Samantha Bennett, Sara Cohen, and Will Straw.


KISMIF Organising Committee: Ana Oliveira, Ana Rocha, Benjamin Duster, Carlos Pinto, Esgar Acelerado, Catherine Strong, Celeste Reis, Claire Hodson, Giacomo Botta, Gil Fesch, Hélder Ferreira, João Queirós, Lisa Nikulinsky, Margarida Vales, Mary Fogarty, Matt Worley, Michael MacDonald, Paula Abreu, Paula Guerra, Paulo Nunes, Pauwke Berkers, Pedro Menezes, Pedro Quintela, Raphaël A. Nowak, Robin Kuchar, Samantha Bennett, Scott Regan, Susana Januário, Susana Serro, and Tânia Moreira.


The KISMIF Conference 2020 will be preceded by a Summer School entitled ‘Not Just Holidays in the Sun’ on 7 July 2020 in Rivoli Municipal Theatre of Porto. The Summer School will offer an opportunity for all interested persons, including those participating in the Conference, to attend workshops directed by specialists in their fields. 


Our KISMIF Summer School program entitled ‘Not Just Holidays in the Sun’ invites students who are interested in, or currently using, DIY cultures in their research to join us for an exciting and innovative one-day summer school program. 


The goal of the one-day program will be to encourage discussion and experimentation in the documentation of DIY cultures as much as it will be to encourage a new generation of DIY academics (Punk Ethnographers!) to experiment with digital cinema and performance in their research practices. 


More information about the Summer School will be progressively circulated on the KISMIF Conference website: www.kismifconference.com.


The language of the Summer School is English.




  • All interested persons must complete and submit a form available in the KISMIF Conference website: www.kismifconference.com.
  • The forms must be submitted no later than 15 February 2020.
  • The information requested includes:

(1) The name of the participant;

(2) Their area of expertise (sociology, economy, etc.);

(3) Their institutional affiliation (department, university, country);

(4) E-mail;

(5) Biographical note with approximately 150 words.


Important dates:

Submission of applications: From 1 October 2019 to 15 February 2020

Notification of applications approval: 10 March 2020

Deadline for early registration: 31 March 2020

Deadline for late registration: 15 April 2020

On-site registration: 7 July 2020

Summer School: 7 July 2020

Please, consult our website (www.kismifconference.com) for other information and updates.



KISMIF (Portugal)

Institute of Sociology – University of Porto (IS-UP, Portugal)

Department of Culture – Porto Municipal Council (Portugal)



Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra (CES-UC, Portugal)

Centre for Socioeconomic Change and Territorial Studies (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, Portugal)

Centre of Studies on Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT, Portugal)

College of Arts and Social Sciences – Australian National University (CASS-ANU, Australia)

Contratempus Quartet (Portugal)

Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research of the Griffith University (GCSCR-GU, Australia)

Rectory of the University of Porto (Portugal)

Research Group Philosophy and Public Space – University of Porto (IF-UP, Portugal)

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT, Australia) 

Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM, Portugal)


For more information about KISMIF Conference:


